Passivhaus: efficiency through simplicity

Passivhaus: efficiency through simplicity

Everything you need to know about this great construction and energy-reducing concept.

The Passivhaus principles or the Passivhaus standard is steadily taking hold in the U.S.

Started in Europe in Germany, then expanded in Austria, UK, Scotland, Spain…is the most efficient and sustainable method of planning and construction.

We know you have quite a lot of questions – so we answered them below: that way you won’t have to roam around looking for the right one!

First thing is first: it does not apply only to houses, rest assured that the planning and building applies to large scale of residential buildings, schools, commercial buildings and even skyscrapers. So, it fits perfectly for tour sustainable project, regardless of the scale of it.

The costs of building a passivehaus/building: usually a passivhaus object costs circa 5-10% more than a conventional home, but of course there is certain scalability here: the larger the building, the less the cost difference. So, plan the costs wisely!

The principles of Passivhaus planning and construction are:

  • Airtightness
  • Ventilation
  • Waterproofing
  • Heating/cooling
  • Electrical loads.

Also, the other key measures that have to be achieved are: low-emission materials, renewable energy systems, moisture control, outdoor ventilation, and energy efficient ventilation and space conditioning equipment.

So far, the Passivhaus construction principles are leading the race, the pursuit to super insulation, carbon and energy reduction and cost-effectiveness.

Design: how limiting and rigid is this Passivhaus method?

The answer is NOT AT ALL! Due to the high-end manufacturers of sustainable materials, and the overall U.S. experience and experimenting on the subject of planning Passive houses buildings, you have the freedom to choose and play with shapes, forms, lightning, your next Passivhaus project You can optimize daylight throughout (both uplifting and energy-reducing), you can play with harmonization of the space, choose between great variety of eco-materials. Simply put the whole aesthetic world is your scene with the Passivhaus planning and construction.